2018年3月29日 星期四


fb: http://fb.com/hong.destiny/  //  ig: hong_destiny // ws: +852 6689 8685

感恩出現咗短暫嘅‘ #耶穌光’,仲有襯埋滿山芒草,令妳同你可以嚟個浪漫野餐!

#旗袍 造型唔一定只係襯 #中式建築,其實喺港島區嘅唐樓小巷,影出嚟更加有 #老香港情懷

Photographer: Destiny H C Hong
Make up and hair stylist: Make Up Artrist Rainbow
Congratulations Yu SzeMan Mo & Ivan Kok Hung

1 則留言:

  1. Apple Watch Series 6 Titanium-Art Studio - iTanium Art Studio
    Apple Watch aluminum vs titanium Series titanium oxide 6 ford escape titanium titanium-art Studio has been designed by an international team of professional titanium coating artists. This team have titanium white acrylic paint been designing



Instagram: hong_destiny //  WhatsApp: +852  6689 8685 //  Facebook:  http://fb.com/hong.destiny/   女仔無論點都應該有幻想過自己係童話入面既公主👸 對自己既愛...